NEAT Activity – What is it and Does it Count as Exercise?

Melissa Mitri, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian nutritionist, weight loss specialist, and expert health writer with over 15 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. Melissa has worked in a variety of healthcare settings where she helps clients improve their diet through an individualized approach.
Trying to increase your daily calorie burn outside of your gym workout? Incorporating more neat activity into your day, otherwise known as “Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis,” may be the secret health weapon you’re missing.
As a Registered Dietitian, I help my clients find creative ways to increase their daily physical activity, through scheduled exercise and NEAT activity as well. Because it’s not just your scheduled exercise that’s important, it’s your daily movement that matters as well.
Keep reading to learn what counts as NEAT activity, the benefits of doing it, and how to increase NEAT in your daily life. Let’s dive in!
What does NEAT Stand For?
NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis. In simple terms – it refers to any type of exercise that is not eating, sleeping, or engaging in a scheduled exercise like cardio or strength training. NEAT is your daily movement with everyday tasks.
This movement can add up throughout the day to help you burn more calories (and achieve many other benefits as well).
According to research, NEAT exercise can burn from 50 to over 2000 calories a day in some cases! This number can vary significantly depending on the person based on your weight, metabolism, physical fitness level, and overall lifestyle habits. But one thing is true – you can torch some serious calories if you want to.
Even if you exercise and frequent the gym regularly, that is only a fraction of the total exercise equation. While scheduled exercise has a myriad of benefits, moving around throughout the day is equally as important. So if you are in a sedentary job and are not consciously thinking about getting in more daily movement, you may be missing out on a really great opportunity.
Examples of NEAT Activity
Examples of NEAT exercises may include but are not limited to:
- Housework and cleaning
- Walking your dog or around the house
- Cooking
- Shopping
- Stretching
- Going up and down stairs
- Yardwork or gardening
- Washing your car
You may be already doing some of these things, but maybe there are ways to increase your calorie burn or do them more. For example, you can park farther away when driving to work or to the store, to increase your daily step count. Every little bit counts to move you closer to better health!

Benefits of NEAT Activity
Getting in more NEAT activity has several benefits for your health. I’ve found that my clients who are generally more active throughout the day (not just from their scheduled exercise) experience a lot of these benefits.
Weight management
NEAT and weight loss (or even weight loss maintenance) can go hand in hand. It can be especially helpful if you are someone who likes to be active but struggles to fit in the time for scheduled exercise. More steps and activities add up throughout the day, and you can burn as much as a regular workout once the day is done.
Improved cardiovascular health
Incorporating more activity throughout the day improves blood flow, circulation, and blood pressure, which boosts overall wellness.
Enhanced mood and mental health
Any type of movement can improve your mood. Our bodies were designed to move, so more frequent activity can bolster your mental health. Even at a lower intensity level, any exercise can produce endorphins and neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine that improve mood and ease stress.
Better blood sugar control
Increasing your NEAT can also help promote healthy blood sugar levels when combined with a healthy diet. Physical activity in any form makes your body more sensitive to insulin, which helps to regulate your blood sugar.
Improved muscle strength and flexibility
Although they are not considered high intensity, NEAT activities like using a push lawnmower or lifting laundry up multiple stairs can help build muscle over time. Small actions = big results.
Increased energy
Constantly grabbing a coffee during the afternoon slump? The next time you’re seeking energy, start dancing while doing the dishes or take a quick walk around your house instead. Getting that blood pumping will zap you out of your energy funk, and the results will be longer-lasting than those from caffeine.
Promotes sleep quality
Being more active throughout the day (especially with outdoor activities) can improve your sleep. Even though NEAT activities are generally not strenuous, they still help to tire your body out by the end of the day to improve sleep quality.
How to Increase NEAT
If you’re ready to up your calorie-burning ante (and feel your best!) there are ways to increase NEAT activity in your life no matter where you are.
Keep in mind these NEAT activities are only suggestions, and are not meant to be an exhaustive list. If you get bored with these, feel free to use your imagination!

When at work
- Consider a standing or treadmill desk. If this is not an option, set a reminder to get up and move every 30 minutes.
- Opt for walking to meetings when possible.
- When in the office, walk to your coworker’s or manager’s desk instead of calling them.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
- Park farther away from your office so you have to walk farther.
- Walk or bike to work if that’s an option.
- Go for a 10-minute walk during your lunch break.
- Do squats, lunges, or tricep dips 2-3 times per day at your desk.
- Fidget or tap your feet or hands
When at home
- Engage in cleaning tasks such as washing dishes, vacuuming, mopping, dusting, or cleaning the shower.
- Do yard work or gardening.
- Get active with your kids or pets – go for walks, play tag, or do sports. On a rainy day, put on a Youtube dance video.
- Get on a cardio machine (if you have one) while watching tv instead of sitting on the couch.
- Pace around the house or do lunges when you’re on the phone.
- Get up and do jumping jacks or stretches while watching tv on the couch.
- Run up and down the stairs a few times throughout the day.
To keep yourself motivated, consider joining a social group that encourages you to stay active. For example, there are biking, walking, or hiking groups, or you can join a local volleyball league. Having camaraderie from others with similar goals puts you in a good environment that supports your healthy lifestyle goals.
Key Takeaways
Whether you’re an elite athlete or are completely sedentary, you can take the steps now (literally) to incorporate more NEAT activity into your life. NEAT exercise can help improve your physical and mental health and enable you to burn more calories throughout the day.
Not sure where to start? You can begin by counting your daily steps using a pedometer or exercise tracker to see what your current baseline is, then setting a goal on how to slowly increase these numbers.
If you’re trying to lose weight or just increase your physical activity, NEAT is the ally you didn’t know you had.

Melissa Mitri, MS, RD, is a registered dietitian nutritionist, weight loss specialist, and expert health writer with over 15 years of experience in the health and wellness industry.
Melissa has worked in a variety of healthcare settings where she helps clients improve their diet through an individualized approach.
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